Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Om nom omelette

I started this bikini body diet type malarky in preparation for my holiday in Barcelona, we've all tried these diets at least once in our life times so I figured I would share a few of my healthy recipes that fit in with the diet.
So, this is the mini omelette I had for lunch a few days ago with a slice of rye bread.

Ingredients -
2 eggs
Splash of semi-skimmed milk
Handful of Kale
1 Tomato
1/4 courgette

Method -
NB - switch on your grill to high heat first!
1. Chop your vegetables and dry fry them in a small pan with oregano and basil- Tefal have some great small pans that are really handy for fried eggs and small one person dishes.
2. In a bowl, mix the eggs, salt, pepper and milk and then add to the pan.  Cook for about 10 minutes on a medium heat, then place under the grill.
3. Remember to wear an oven glove when you pull the omelette out from under the grill, serve with rye bread, baked beans or salad.

If any of you have ever been on bikini body diets then please share any tips and tricks that you have below, I would really appreciate it.


Unknown said...

I'm currently re-visiting the Atkins Diet, which seems very similar to your diet... lots of protein, very few carbs... it worked for me very well once before about 10 years ago and now i'm after losing a stone I thought i'd try again... on day two and already cant be bothered!

Shadownlight said...

this dish looks really yummie, im gonna try it :)

debby emadian said...

Thanks for this recipe...just in the nick of time...

Unknown said...

Ehy! :) thanks for this recipe, it all look so yummy, I think I'll give it a go for my tomorrow luch, I was just looking for something new and tasty and healty to cook, so I guess this is the right option!

I'm following you on twitter too :)

Natalie Ryker said...

looks delicious!!!!def gonna try it
